ASME B18.2.3.6M Metric Heavy Hex Bolts

ASME B18.2.3.6M Metric Heavy Hex Bolts

ASME B18.2.3.6M Metric Heavy Hex Bolts

Dimensions of Metric Heavy Hex Bolts

Nominal Bolt Diameter, D, and Thread Pitch Body Diameter Ds Width Across Flats, S Width Across Corners, E Head Height, K Wrenching Height, K1
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Min
M12 x 1.75 12.70 11.30 21.00 20.16 24.25 22.78 7.95 7.24 5.2
M14 x 2 14.70 13.30 24.00 23.16 27.71 26.17 9.25 8.51 6.2
M16 x 2 16.70 15.30 27.00 26.16 31.18 29.56 10.75 9.68 7.0
M20 x 2.5 20.84 19.16 34.00 33.00 39.26 37.29 13.40 12.12 8.8
M24 x 3 24.84 23.16 41.00 40.00 47.34 45.20 15.90 14.56 10.5
M20 x 3.5 30.84 29.16 50.00 49.00 57.74 55.37 19.75 17.92 13.1
M36 x 4 37.00 35.00 60.00 58.80 69.28 66.44 23.55 21.72 15.8

All dimensions are in millimeters.
Basic thread lengths, B, are same as given in table 12 of ASME B18.2.3.6M.
For additional manufacturing and acceptance specification, reference should be made to ASME B18.2.3.6M-1979, R1989 standard.

ASTM A194 Grade 8 Fastener Coatings